Wednesday night, I finally made it to my first game at Shea this season with Andres, Mom, Dad, Sasch and special guest star Rhory Moss. Rhory grew up around the corner from us on 85th and West End, and he and Sascha (and I, too) are back living in NYC after many years away in Boston and San Francisco, respectively. So it was only fitting that we came together to root for our hometown team. And how sweet it was to see the Mets beat the Cards...even though the game was rained out after the 6th inning. But that was enough, because the score was 2-0. Take that, Cards!

Here's Rhory in his gorgeous yellow rain attire with Euge - their mutual adoration is written all over their adorable faces!
But the real reason for this post was so I could include this final photo of Sascha and Rhory at their 5th grade graduation from P.S. 166, June 1980. That's Laurel, Eugene and the late and much beloved Joy Moss. I'm the kid with the mullet eating a brownie. How ridonkulously cute is this? We love you Rhory, welcome home!