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So, my cousin Andrea was asking me why I don't blog more often. The simple answer is that I'm not one of those people who feels compelled to narrate my entire life on the Internet for all to see. Nor do I think my day to day life is that note-worthy. I try to blog when something interesting or memorable happens....or when I find myself recounting the same story to several people. Then I know it's time to blog.
As most of my friends and family know, I am 7 months pregnant, and so far all is well (knock wood for me right now). I do plan to blog about the baby once she arrives in the world around mid-October. I'm just a little superstitious right now, and don't want to write anything about it.
But maybe this picture of what her Uncle Sascha is calling "Baby's First Mets Game" will satiate you thirsty Sterling Notes readers (all 3 of you). Enjoy!

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