Nearly a year after Andres' first half-marathon at Long Branch, today he bested his own time in the Brooklyn Half-Marathon....coming in at 1:42, a full 11 minutes faster than last year! The race began at Coney Island's boardwalk and ended, most conveniently, in Prospect Park. Andres left the house at 7 a.m. to make his way to the starting line at the very edgity edge of Brooklyn. And it was a mere 37 degrees out. My, such pluck and vigor! All I had to do was roll out of bed 2 hours later and walk 10 minutes to the park from Sterling Place. My, such princessitude!
You think I would have learned how to take a good photograph of my athlete after last year's...uh...learning experience. Unfortunately, I did not improve my photography skills. Here is my mediocre shot of Andres approaching the finish

line. I had originally caught up with him at Mile 10, and as he flashed me a smile I cheered him on for his last 3 grueling miles. Then I hustled over to the finish line so I would be sure to see him in his moment of triumph. And I did - but alas, he didn't see me. He told me later he did not hear or see me at Mile 13 because he was in a Zone. The old Finish Line Is A Few Yards Away and I Just Want To Crumple Up Into a Heap of Sore Limbs Zone, I suppose.

As we watched the other runners approach the finish line, I happened to spy my friend Liz Greenstein, who I knew to be a serious runner. Another native New Yorker, I knew she was a serious Mets fan as well. So when I saw a pretty, curly-haired runner wearing a Mets hat I knew it was she. We went back past the finish line and found her in the crowds of thirsty, exhausted, exhilarated runners. Turns out Ms. Crazy Legs Liz has done 14 marathons! Holy Cow! You are one fierce lady. Kudos t

o both of you half-marathoners, I am so impressed by your focus and determination. And of course your athleticism. And most especially, I am awed by your commitment: you never would have found me out of bed at 7 a.m. on a Saturday, I'll tell you that!

After we left the park we stopped by the Grand Army Plaza farmer's market, which we've enjoyed many a fine Saturday, year-round, since we moved into the neighborhood. Despite the unseasonably chilly mid-April weather, spring has most certainly sprung in New York. Here are some highlights of the mark

et produce in full rainbow resplendence. Mr. Smokra, pickled okra with smoked paprika, was too eye-catching not to insert at the beginning of this post. We picked up a bunch of pussywillows (I'm inspired by my mom, who always loves to buy the willows at this time of year because it's a sure sign of winter's thaw) and some beautiful fresh wheatgrass for our herbivore Lucy. Everything else looked very tempting indeed, but we had to get the Super Athlete home to recover. And to eat a Super Brunch.

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