Well, we have been threatening to adopt for months. We finally went to PetCo a couple days ago and took home two little furry girls, age one and a half. They had been there for at least a month - appararently they were adopted as kittens and brought back last month because their owner's new boyfriend was allergic. They just needed to be taken into a loving...and patient home. This little adventurous girl was immediately out exploring, and quickly discovered our fake fireplace. We named her Neko. Her best buddy has spent most of the past 48 hours under the couch. Only this evening has she taken some tentative steps towards communication with us. There is no photo because she's been in hiding....we also haven't named her. Our friend Jon suggested we might call her Nessie...since like the Loch Ness monster she is rarely seen.

Great photos,
I'm sure Ian would just love to try and get "Nessie" from under the couch.
Keeping on blogging!
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