What Should We Name Kitty?

Here is a rare sighting of the shy one slinking around the living room. Ain't she a beauty? We have various nicknames for her, but nothing has stuck so far, since we can't get a sense of her personality beyond a sort of regal aloofness. What do you think we should name her?
a) Greystoke (as in the Legend Of)
b) Nessie
c) Bella
d) Fanny
e) Malka (Hebrew for Queen)

I think Fanny is out, as in England we use it to describe part of the females body, I'll let you guess which part.
I kind of like Nessie, Malka's cool too.
mmmm regal aloofness, how about Fergie?
CATS??? Did you do that so Rob and I wouldn't stay with you when we come to NY? If you're really keeping them, I would vote for Nessie. Or Bella.
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